Using the FileSytemObject
The FileSystemObject (FSO) provides a useful way to access the filing system on your computer and network drives. To use the FSO you first need to create a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library.
In the VBE click Tools | References.
Check the option Microsoft Scripting Runtime and click OK.
You can browse the scripting objects, methods and properties using the Object Browser. Select Scripting from the All Libraries drop down.
The FileSystemObject contains lots of useful methods that you can use for drives, folders and files.
To use the File System Object you need to create a new instance of it as shown in the code below.
'Create a new instance of the File System Object Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Get Methods
Get methods allow you to retrieve information about a drive, folder or file.
Get Drive
Use GetDrive to specify which drive you want to examine. With the drive specified you can retrieve information about it using the properties shown in the Object Browser below.
In this example we use the FreeSpace property of the Drive object to calculate the available space on a drive.
Sub UsingGetDrive() Const BytesToTB As Double = 1099511627776# Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim drv As Scripting.Drive Set drv = fso.GetDrive("D:") Dim AvlbSpace As Double AvlbSpace = Round(drv.FreeSpace / BytesToTB, 2) MsgBox "Drive " & drv.DriveLetter & " has " & AvlbSpace & "TBs of free space." End Sub
The code above creates the message box shown below.
Use GetFolder to specify which folder you want to examine. With the folder specified you can retrieve information about it using the properties shown in the Object Browser below.
In this example we use the Files property to allow us to count the number of files present in a folder.
Sub UsingGetFolder() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim fld As Scripting.Folder Set fld = fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\MyFolder") Dim CountFiles As Byte CountFiles = fld.Files.Count MsgBox "There are " & CountFiles & " files in folder: " & fld.Name End Sub
The code above creates the message box shown below.
Use GetFile to specify which file you want to examine. With the file specified you can retrieve information about it using the properties shown in the Object Browser below.
In this example we use the DateLastModified property of the file object.
Sub UsingGetFile() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim fle As Scripting.File Set fle = fso.GetFile("C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\MyFolder\Budget.xlsx") Dim LstMod As Date LstMod = fle.DateLastModified MsgBox fle.Name & " was last modified on " & LstMod End Sub
The code above creates the message box shown below.
Other Useful Methods
CreateFolder Method
The CreateFolder method has a single parameter: Path
Sub CreateAFolder() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim MyPath As String MyPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\" fso.CreateFolder MyPath & "FolderXYZ" End Sub
CopyFile Method
The CopyFile method has three parameters: Source, Designation and OverWriteFiles (defaults to TRUE)
Sub CopyAFile() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim MyPath As String MyPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\" fso.CopyFile Source:=MyPath & "MyFolder\Budget.xlsx", Destination:=MyPath & "FolderXYZ\Budget.xlsx" End Sub
Note that you have to state the file name in the Destination parameter.
DeleteFile Method
The DeleteFile method has two parameters FileSpec and Force (delete if Read-only defaults to FALSE)
Sub DeleteFile() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim MyPath As String MyPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\" fso.DeleteFile MyPath & "MyFolder\Junk.xlsx" End Sub
MoveFile Method
The MoveFile method has two parameters: Source and Destination.
Sub MoveFile() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim MyPath As String MyPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\" fso.MoveFile _ Source:=MyPath & "MyFolder\Move Me.xlsx", Destination:=MyPath & "FolderXYZ\Move Me.xlsx" End Sub
FolderExists Method
The FolderExists method has a single parameter: FolderSpec
Sub CheckIfFolderExists() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim MyPath As String MyPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\" 'Check to see if folder already exists If fso.FolderExists(MyPath & "\MyFolder") Then MsgBox "Folder Already Exists" Else 'Create a folder fso.CreateFolder MyPath & "New Folder" End If End Sub
FileExists Method
The FileExists method has a single parameter: FileSpec
Sub CheckIfFileExists() Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim MyPath As String MyPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\" 'Check to see if file exists If fso.FileExists(MyPath & "MyFolder\Move Me.xlsx") Then 'Move a file fso.MoveFile _ Source:=MyPath & "MyFolder\Move Me.xlsx", _ Destination:=MyPath & "FolderXYZ\Move Me.xlsx" Else MsgBox "File Does Not Exist" End If End Sub
Practical Examples
Copy Files With a Specific File Type
In this example the Type property of the File object is used to determine whether a file gets copied. We only want to copy .xlsx files. Contents of MyFolder shown below.
Sub CopyFilesWithASpecificFileType() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim fle As Scripting.File Dim MyFolderPath As String MyFolderPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\MyFolder" Dim ExcelFolderPath As String ExcelFolderPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\ExcelFolder" Dim MyFolder As Scripting.Folder Set MyFolder = fso.GetFolder(MyFolderPath) For Each fle In MyFolder.Files If fle.Type = "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" Then fle.Copy ExcelFolderPath & "\" & fle.Name Next fle End Sub
Contents of ExcelFolder (once code executed) shown below.
Copy All Excel File Types
The previous example would only have copied .xlsx files. What if we want to copy all Excel file types: xlsx, xls, and xlsm. Contents of MyFolder shown below.
We can return the file type using the Scripting FileSystemObject method GetExtensionName
The first two characters of an Excel file extension are xl. Using the Left function we can determine if this is the case.
If Left(fso.GetExtensionName(fle.Path), 2) = "xl" Then fle.Copy ExcelFolderPath & "\" & fle.Name End If
We can then loop this code for each file in our folder.
Sub CopyAllExcelFilesIntoFolder() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim fle As Scripting.File Dim MyFolderPath As String MyFolderPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\MyFolder" Dim ParentPath As String ParentPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\" Dim MyFolder As Scripting.Folder Set MyFolder = fso.GetFolder(MyFolderPath) Dim ExcelFolderPath As String ExcelFolderPath = fso.CreateFolder(ParentPath & "All Excel Files").Path For Each fle In MyFolder.Files If Left(fso.GetExtensionName(fle.Path), 2) = "xl" Then fle.Copy ExcelFolderPath & "\" & fle.Name End If Next fle End Sub
Contents of All Excel Files folder (once code executed) shown below.
Organise Files Based on File Type
In this example we create a folder for each file type of files found in MyFolder and then copy the files to the appropriate folder.
Contents of MyFolder shown below.
Sub OrganiseIntoFoldersBasedOnFileType() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim fle As Scripting.File 'Store the old folder's path in a variable Dim MyFolderPath As String MyFolderPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\MyFolder" 'Store the path for the new folders in a variable Dim ParentPath As String ParentPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\" 'Create a scripting folder object Dim MyFolder As Scripting.Folder Set MyFolder = fso.GetFolder(MyFolderPath) 'Loop through the collection of files in the old folder For Each fle In MyFolder.Files 'If a folder for the file type does not exist... If Not fso.FolderExists(ParentPath & fle.Type) Then '...then create a folder fso.CreateFolder ParentPath & fle.Type End If 'Copy the file to the correct folder fle.Copy ParentPath & fle.Type & "\" & fle.Name Next fle End Sub
Resulting folders shown below.
Organise Files Based on File Name
In this example we want to organise files based on file name. We want a folder for each customer: HYT and XYZ and within the customer folder we want a subfolder for the month that each file relates to.
Sub OrganiseFilesBasedOnFileName() Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim fle As Scripting.File 'Store the all files folder's path in a variable Dim AllFilesFolderPath As String AllFilesFolderPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\All Files" 'Store the path for the new folders in a variable Dim ParentPath As String ParentPath = "C:\Users\chest\Desktop\" 'Create a scripting folder object Dim AllFilesFolder As Scripting.Folder Set AllFilesFolder = fso.GetFolder(AllFilesFolderPath) 'Loop through the collection of files in the old folder For Each fle In AllFilesFolder.Files 'Check to see if a folder exists 'for the customer that the file relates to If Not fso.FolderExists(ParentPath & Left(fle.Name, 3)) Then 'If it doesn't create a folder 'based on the initials of the customer name fso.CreateFolder ParentPath & Left(fle.Name, 3) End If 'Check to see if there is subfolder within the company 'folder for the month that the file relates to If Not fso.FolderExists(ParentPath & Left(fle.Name, 3) & "\" & _ MonthName(Mid(fle.Name, _ WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", fle.Name, _ WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", fle.Name) + 1) + 4, 2))) Then 'If there isn't create the subfolder fso.CreateFolder ParentPath & Left(fle.Name, 3) & "\" & _ MonthName(Mid(fle.Name, _ WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", fle.Name, _ WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", fle.Name) + 1) + 4, 2)) End If 'Copy the file to the relevant subfolder fle.Copy ParentPath & Left(fle.Name, 3) & _ "\" & MonthName(Mid(fle.Name, _ WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", fle.Name, _ WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", fle.Name) + 1) + 4, 2)) & "\" & fle.Name Next fle End Sub
Sub folders with the HYT customer folder.
Contents of the September sub folder.